Owner`s manual

53 | P a g e
Section 1 Switch settings explained
Mode: Switches 1 and 2 (Section 1)
On Section 1, the first 2 Switches are used to select which Solar Mode will be used.
For “Solar” Mode: set switches 1 and 2 to OFF . This is the optimum setting for virtually all solar installations.
For “Legacy “ Mode: Set Switch 1 to OFF and Switch 2 to On.
Legacy Mode can be used in cases where the Open Circuit Voltage is close to the battery voltage. For example, a 22
volt open circuit array and a 12 volt battery. Or where there are mixed sizes of panels in an array. (Solar Salad)
When switch 1, 2, 3, and 4 are set to ON, the Lite is in “Custom Programming mode” and can be programmed
using any of the other 3 methods.
Custom set up will be required for Wind, Hydro, Fuel Cell applications as well as setting up the Aux. output
controls and for Battery voltages of 36, 60, and 72 (84, 96, 108, and 120 volt batteries for KS model)
System Voltage: Switches 3 and 4 (Section 1)
On Section 1, set Switches 3 and 4 to the appropriate positions (Found in the Chart) corresponding to your system's
battery voltage. 12, 24, and 48 volt systems are included in this menu. 36 and 72 volt battery set up can be
accomplished using the Custom set up method. (84, 96, 108, and 120 volt batteries for KS model)
Battery Type: Switches 5, 6, 7 (Section 1)
Switches 5, 6, and 7 allow you to select from 7 different battery types and charging profiles. These profiles can be
found in the 2 charts on the following pages. These should cover most common applications. If slightly different
voltages are desired, this can be done using Custom Mode and programming methods 2, 3, or 4.
Auto Equalize: Switch 8 (Section 1)
Switch 8 is used to select Automatic equalization.
In the OFF position, a manual equalization cycle, if desired, is selected by pressing the “Equalize”
button on the MNLP for 3 seconds. To Cancel Equalize, Press Equalize button for 3 seconds.
With Switch 8 in the ON position, the Lite will attempt to equalize the batteries automatically.
The equalize interval is dependent upon the battery type selected. Please refer to:
Dip switch battery settings for 12, 24, or 48 volt batteries” for specific information on this function.