Owner`s manual

9. Trouble-Shooting Problems
The following guide can be used to pinpoint the cause of operational problems with the BWC EXCEL 1
wind turbine and the PowerCenter controller. For problems or symptoms not found in the following listing,
please contact the Service Department at Bergey Windpower Co. at:
Tel: 405-364-4212
Fax: 405 364-2078
e-mail: service@bergey.com
Problem Cause(s) Diagnosis Remedy
Battery voltage gets
too high.
PowerCenter regulating
voltage set too high
Excessive battery gas-
sing. Use voltmeter to
check battery cell volt-
ages or hydrometer to
check the specific gravi-
ty – compare to battery
manufacturers recom-
Adjust battery regulation
voltage as on page 9
During operation without
dump load, battery volt-
age can vary up to 1
volts above reg. voltage
for a few seconds when
in Slow Mode
Use multi-meter to indi-
cate battery voltage
Normal operation, OK
for flooded lead acid
batteries. For sealed
batteries recommend
adjusting the set voltage
lower, or use a dump
load which will allow
very precise regulation
Batteries do not reach
full state of charge.
PowerCenter regulating
voltage set too low.
Use hydrometer to
check the specific gravi-
ty of the battery cells.
Compare with battery
manufacturer’s recom-
Adjust battery regulation
voltage as on page 9
Loads are too large. Remove largest load. If
battery bank reaches
higher state of charge,
then the system is over-
Consult with BWC about
possible remedies.