Owner`s manual

Problem Cause(s) Diagnosis Remedy
Rotor turns, but the
system doesn’t charge
the batteries.
Blown Turbine fuse Check voltage across
fuse with turbine spin-
ning, should be near
zero volts DC.
Replace fuse
Blown output fuse Lights on PowerCenter
erratic, dump load light
stays on, check battery
fuse with multi-meter
Replace 90A battery
fuse on PowerCenter
circuit board. Check
battery connections.
Power transistor failure. Turbine voltage is
above 10 VDC and Tur-
bine light is on, but no
current is being deliv-
Return complete
PowerCenter to BWC
for repair.
Turbine rectifier failure,
possible damaged sta-
tor winding
Check voltage from the
Replace rectifier as-
sembly, or stator
Rotor is unbalanced,
causing the turbine to
move slightly back
and forth as it spins.
Blade tips not evenly
Check tip-to-tip distanc-
es with a tape measure.
They should be within
6.5 mm (¼”).
Loosening one blade at
a time, adjust the tip
spacing to bring dis-
tances within specifica-
Ice build-up on blades. Visual inspection. Se-
vere icing is very obvi-
Take no action. Do not
stand under machine.
The ice will be shed
when there is sufficient
sun and wind.
Wind is higher than 16
mph, but rotor will not
turn, or turns slowly
Batteries are full, and
dump load was at max-
imum power for more
than 5 seconds, without
being able to maintain
regulation voltage
Slow Mode LED blinking
Normal operation.
Turn on big loads, tur-
bine will restart if the
battery voltage is 1.5 V
below regulation voltage
for 13 minutes or 2.5V
below regulation voltage
for 25 sec
Short in power leads. Check connections first.
Isolate power leads.
Use VOM to check for
short circuit.
Repair short circuit.
Power transistor or
MOV (varistor) failure.
Disconnect turbine from
PowerCenter. Turbine
should start.
Return complete
PowerCenter to BWC
for repair.
Disconnect turbine and
check with diode meter.
Should read ~ “1 V” in
one direction and “OL”
in the other direction.
Replace rectifier.