User's Manual

Cell Phone and Hearing Instrument
Some hearing instrument users have reported a
buzzing sound in their instruments when they are
using cell phones, indicating that the cell phone
and hearing instrument may not be compatible.
The compatibility of a particular hearing aid and
cell phone can be predicted by adding the rating
for the hearing aid immunity to the rating for the
cell phone emissions (ANSI C63.19-2006 American
National Standard Methods of Measurement of
Compatibility between Wireless Communication
Devices and Hearing Aids).
For example, the sum of a hearing aid with a
rating of 2 (M2/T2) and a telephone with a rating
of 3 (M3/T3) would result in a combined rating
of 5. According to the standard, any combined
rating that equals at least 5 would provide “normal
use; a combined rating of 6 or greater would
indicate “excellent performance.