Instruction manual

Preparing for embroidery
Preparing for embroidery
Attaching the Module
Attaching the Module to the Sewing computer
lift the embroidery module on the left and
carefully slide it from left to right into the sewing computer connection
The slide-on table must not be attached while the embroidery
module is being attached or removed.
When attaching the embroidery module ensure that all the units
are on the same even surface.
The embroidery computer may run at high speeds when
embroidering. Therefore the two units must be placed on a
stable surface or the motor speed reduced when
Make sure that there is enough space around the sewing
computer and embroidery module to allow the unimpeded
movement of the embroidery arm!
Always separate the sewing computer and the embroidery
module from one anotherbefore transporting – do not transport
as a single unit.
Attach slide-on table
The slide-on table can only be attached with the embroidery module
arm to the far left. If necessary, use the «Park Module» function
to move it, see page 140.
Removing the Module from the Sewing computer
lift the embroidery module on the left and carefully pull out and off to the left
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