Instruction manual

̶ cords reinforce buttonholes and enhance their appearance
̶ mainly suitable for buttonhole No. 51
position the work accordingly
Ideal cords
̶ Perle cotton No. 8
̶ strong hand-sewing thread
̶ fine crochet yarn
Cord with the automatic buttonhole foot No. 3A
raise the buttonhole foot No. 3A
insert the needle at the beginning of the buttonhole
guide the cord on the right side under the buttonhole foot No. 3A
hook the cord over the pin at the back of the buttonhole foot No. 3A
pull the cord on the left side under the buttonhole foot No. 3A to the front
pull the cord ends into the slits
lower the buttonhole foot No. 3A
sew the buttonhole in the usual manner
do not hold the cord
the buttonhole will sew over the cord, covering it
Cord with the buttonhole foot No. 3C (optional accessory)
raise the buttonhole foot
insert the needle at the beginning of the buttonhole
hook cord over the pin in the middle of the buttonhole foot (at the front)
pull both cord ends under the buttonhole foot sole to the back and
place both ends of the cord in the grooves on the sole
lower the buttonhole foot
sew the buttonhole in the usual manner
do not hold the cord
the buttonhole will sew over the cord, covering it
Cutting buttonholes open with the seam ripper
cut the buttonhole from the ends to the middle
Cutting open buttonholes with the buttonhole cutter (optional accessory)
place the fabric on the wood
place the cutter in the centre of the buttonhole
press down on the cutter with your hand
Fixing the cord
pull the cord through the buttonhole until the loop disappears into the end of
pull the ends of the cord through to wrong side of the fabric, using a hand
knot or secure with stitches
Before cutting the buttonhole open
Place a pin in each end of the buttonhole to prevent accidental
cutting into ends of buttonhole.