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Brink is unique in that you can play through the entire game storyline either offline,
in a traditional single player style, or online, as either a co-op game or in multiplayer
matches for a full competitive game. There are a few different options for how you
can go about this.
If you choose the “Campaign” option in Brink’s Main Menu, you’re presented with
a list of all the missions of your storyline, with your current mission highlighted.
You can choose to play the story in any order you like. Once you’ve chosen a mis-
sion, you’re given one more choice: how you’d like to play it.
You can decide to set the mission to be offline (solo) or online (co-op or versus),
and you can specify who can join you online. You can limit a match to your
friends, to people you personally invite, or you can make it open to everyone.
Once you launch the mission, it will play as you have specified, as will all future
missions, until you choose to change the parameters to something else.
While in Campaign mode, the match is set up to provide the optimal friendly expe-
rience if you happen to be going online. You can never be killed by an anti-social
teammate, you will never hear foul language from any strangers, and you will not
have to put up with higher rank players using their advanced Abilities to have an
unfair advantage.
If you choose “Freeplay” on the Main Menu, you’re given a lot more freedom in
how you’re allowed to play the game. However, you’ll no longer be progressing
through the storyline. If you want to see all of the movies and find out what ulti-
mately happens to the Ark, then you’re best off playing in Campaign. But if you’re
looking to have a fun adventure where you can set your own rules for a variety of
gameplay options, give Freeplay a try.
You can make the same online/offline choices in Freeplay that you did in Cam-
paign, specifying whether you’re playing by yourself or with others, and who can
join you. Once you’ve done that, you need to choose Match Settings. These are a
collection of game settings that can radically change your experience in Brink.
The default Match Settings are:
Under Standard, the game plays exactly like it does in Campaign mode.
Under Advanced, the game is similar to Campaign mode. However, Friendly
Fire is now turned on, meaning if you’re not careful, you can accidentally
kill your teammates with stray bullet fire and explosions. This adds a high
level of challenge to the game. Also, by default, team voice channels are
turned on, so you can always hear what everyone has to say.
Competition is designed to support a more regimented and balanced tourna-
ment style of play, where teams are smaller and gameplay is generally more
Under Old School, Brink plays in an “anything goes” mode, with no rank
restrictions, no anti-social protections, and no mercy. Only hardened, old
school shooter fans need to try this.
Custom is only available for private games, and with it you have direct control
over a wide range of mission settings, and can set up the perfect match to
your own specifications. You can then invite friends in to play the game the
way you like to play.
Another option you have in Freeplay is to engage in Stopwatch matches. In this
mode, both teams take it in turns to see who can get complete the chosen mission
the fastest. You will win if your team has the better time on offense. If neither
team wins on offense, the team that manages to complete more Primary Objectives
wins. If both teams are tied for that, the team with the most XP wins.
fIRe teAms
During online play, you can press ESC and gain access to a team scoreboard.
While on the scoreboard, you can select teammates and invite them to join a Fire-
team. If they accept, a private voice chat line will be automatically opened with
them and you’ll be guaranteed to stay with them in any subsequent mission, until
you return to the title screen. When you are in a match with your friends, you’re
automatically placed into a Fireteam with them.