User's Manual

Choose Artists” to enter folder(s) list menu grouping by Artist
name, then choose who name of Artist folder > choose a song
file in list where start the play.
Choose Albums” to enter folder(s) list menu grouping by
Album name, then choose who name of Album folder >
choose a song file in list where start the play.
Choose “Genres” to enter folder(s) list menu grouping by
Genres name, then choose who name of Genres folder >
choose a song file in list where start the play.
Choose “Playlists” > choose “Playlist on the go [1] / Playlist on
the go [2] / Playlist on the go [3]” > select a song file where
start to play. (Add song files into playlist before you can use it,
see add to playlistsection of the “Music submenu” part on
page 16 for methods)
Choose “Update playlist to update the playlist when you
found it show incorrect; actually, it is normal due to some
media files could be manual deleted in players memory by
user in some case. However, update the playlist when
To switch Local Folder or Card Folder for Playback
The “Local Folder and “Card Folder items will be existed
only in music menu when Micro SD card has plugged into the
Choose “Local Folder to use players internal memory as
current location, you will see all supported song files will list
out in playlist when item selected. Or,
Choose “Card Folder to use Micro SD Card memory as current
location, you will see all supported song files will list out in
playlist when item selected. However, a “Create list or not” will
appear to confirm when every time the Micro SD Card is plug
in and used. Choose Yes” to process, a playlist will be
generated for use. Choose “No” to abort.
Then, use “Folders & songs” Use “Folder & songs” item to
select song file for playback in normal case.
All songs listed in Local Folder or Card Folder, the players system
treated them as only a single folder.
If you select song in this folder, in this case, the repeat folder
function of play mode will playback all them.