User Manual

VIII. Tricks and Tips
This part of the manual is included to help you get great sounds out of your Bettermaker EQ232P. As we add
to our panoply of users, the EQ232P is so versatile that we expect this part will grow. If you nd some nice tricks,
please contact us, and get your name and contribution added to the manual. Get creative, experiment, and don’t
forget you have 399 memory cells to save your settings. A setting might not always work for that particular source
on any given day, but the EQ232P takes away any fear of experimenting and forgetting settings. You can always
go back to an earlier set-up, and you may be surprised what amazing sounds you can come up with when you give
yourself the opportunity to try out new things.
M/S and Presets
Here’s a tip. When using an external M/S encode/decode (or the optional internal M/S module) it is often
useful to start with both channels identical and then modify each one slightly. For example, in mastering you
may start in stereo (linked) mode and then discover the (centered) lead vocal is a little bit low or needs a little bit
of midrange EQ without wanting to touch the side channels. Start in stereo (linked) mode and get an initial EQ.
Save this setting to a Preset. Then switch to Channel 1 and recall that preset. Now both channels are identical but
independent. (Remember, channel 2’s setting is inherited from link mode so it is redundant to recall anything into
channel 2, though it won’t hurt if you do). Now you can alter the individual channels to your taste, comfortably
knowing that you began with identical settings. Remember, to save the states of both M and S channels
independently, you will eventually need two presets. But with 399 presets, there’s plenty of memory to spare.
Dual Output Tricks
The Bettermaker EQ232P is equipped with two sets of outputs. Both are electronically linked inside the unit,
and sound identical. During normal use, either may be used. They are provided to give additional exibility and
options while mixing. For instance, you can parallel the output of the Bettermaker EQ232P into a compressor
and direct return into the console, and make a wet/dry blend as part of a 2-bus application. You can also use the
Bettermaker EQ232P before the nal 2-bus, and use its second output to feed an external disc or tape recorder as
a safety. This gives you a nalized 2-bus version to give to a client for approval, while also creating a non peak-
limited version to send off to mastering in one step.
You can also use the dual outputs in a live setting to feed both the input to a PA system, as well as feed a live
stereo recorder. The dual outputs can also be used in video shoots by providing a feed to a live capture camera,
as well as the feed for a performers in-ear or monitor. Note, the outputs are not transformer isolated. Be aware
of what you are connecting to the end of the unit, and be sure that all electrical power is properly grounded,
otherwise you may create hum from a ground loop.