
IV. Front Panel
The Bettermaker EQ542 front panel is divided into 2 main sections and a clip indicator. To keep a clean and
modern design aesthetic. All knobs are machined out of solid aluminum and are securely mounted to the detented
digital encoders. All knobs rotate as digitally encoded increments and decrements. The exception is the ‘Preset’
knob, which rotates as a digital encoder, but also has a special function as a push-button menu selector.
You will soon discover that the EQ542 ergonomics make this EQ comfortable, easy to use, fun and addictive!
For example, the knobs are velocity-sensitive, resulting in coarse changes when spun quickly, and very precise
ne increment/decrements when turned slowly. These knobs quickly and easily let you get to the level or
frequency you desire or perform ne resolution. Experience this once and you will be hooked. The indicator lights
around the knobs and switches are easy to read and give a clear indication of the frequency, bandwidth or range,
coupled with a numeric readout in the LED display whenever a knob is turned or a bandwidth or frequency switch
is pressed. The look and feel is so comfortable that you can operate this EQ in the dark and comfortably nd all
the knobs just by feel.
Bypass Section
On the left lower corner is the ENGAGE button. The unit is IN when its engage led is LED. When the ENGAGE
button is
OUT, the entire unit is bypassed. To hear any changes the EQ may be making, the ENGAGE button must
IN. The unit will also pass signal in bypass when fully disconnected from mains power. The following picture
shows the EQ in a state of being engaged. When you use in in Unlink mode, remember that it the
ENGAGE will be
unlinked too, this way you will be able to bypass only one channel, You can also bypass every lter on its own.