Operation Manual

© X-2007 BEYERTONE AG CR-200 / CR-100 USB Ver. 2-3 - Installation and User Guide 39/64
6. Playing back recordings
For playing back recordings of the CallRecorder, you need the CallRecorder PC
software. For installation, please refer to chapter 3.3.1.
NOTE: With the CR-100 USB you can play back recorded conversations via your PC /
laptop’s soundcard or – especially if your PC has no audio facility – via the CR-100 USB
unit’s built-in loudspeaker.
IMPORTANT: The CR-200 does not support this functionality, so you have to choose
'soundcard' below to be able to listen to the recordings.
Before playing back a recording for the first time, check the relevant PC software
settings and, if necessary, change them. To do this, open ‘Configuration / Software’
from the menu (right click on the CallRecorder symbol on the taskbar).
‘Playback’ tab:
Select under ‘Device’ in the ‘Playback’ section whether you want to play back
recordings via the CR-100 USB (‘CallRecoder’) or via your PC’s ‘Soundcard’.
The ‘Interval length’ specified here determines the excerpt length for the playback
dialog for the optionally enabled looped replay of recorded excerpts (see below).