User's Manual

enter the name: enter the name.
telephone number: Enter the phone number.
family Tel: enter the family phone.
Company Name: Enter the company name.
E-mail: E-mail input.
telephone companies: the
mportation of
telephone companies.
Fax: enter the fax number.
birthday: Contact the input date of birth.
isplay: contact for the setting calls for the
prompt calls Datoutie.
video connections: Contacts for the set when
prompted calls for video calls.
ing options: Contact the setting calls for
prompt calls ring.
group calls: Contact add to the group.
1. Press the Completing>, save contact information.
All copy
Use this feature in the SIM card and phone memory contacts
between the replication.
SIM1 from the card to local: the SIM card in a store
to copy all the contacts to the phone memory.
SIM2 card from theλ local to: the SIM card 2 to all
contacts stored in phone memory to copy.
from the local to SIM1 card: the phone memory to
store all the contacts copied to the SIM card 1.
from the local to SIM2 card: the phone memory to
store all the contacts to the SIM card copy 2.
Delete all
This feature can be deleted SIM card or phone memory of all
SIM1 from the card: SIM card to delete all contacts
from SIM2 card: SIM card 2 to delete all contacts.
from the machine: memory on the phone to delete all
of your contacts.
Group calls
This feature, you can contact the group.
Management Group
Interface Group in the list, select a group, press <Options>
can be used under the case of options:
z Group: Group editorial content. Groups including
the name of the caller ring tones, video calls, calls
z to see: show members of the group.