Upgrade Procedure User Manual

Page 13Biamp Systems | AVB Resource Guide
Q: What are the bandwidth requirements of AVB?
A: There are two factors used to calculate AVB bandwidth requirements, which
means the calculation is not linear. The first is the stream overhead, which is a
fixed requirement and is used to assist in the trac shaping requirements of
the AVB data streams. There is also a calculation for the number of channels of
audio the stream contains.
Example channel streams:
Stream Channel Count Gigabit Ethernet link utilization
1 0.63%
2 0.78%
4 1.09%
8 1.70%
12 2.32%
20 3.55%
30 5.08%
40 6.62%
50 8.15%
60 9.69%
Stream Channel Count Gigabit Ethernet link utilization
2 x 1 channel streams 1.25%
2 x 2 channel streams 1.56%
Q: What is the resolution and bit-depth of audio through AVB?
A: This is dependent on the endpoints. Tesira supports 48kHz 24-bit analog-to-
digital and digital-to-analog conversion.
Q: Is AVB a routable protocol?
A: AVB is currently supported at Layer 2 and is not routable at the moment.
Q: Can I send AVB over a wireless link?
A: Class B trac (which is not supported by Tesira) would be used here.
Q: Can you mix AVB and non-AVB switches in the same network?
A: Yes. Non-AVB switches will act as a boundary to the AVB trac.
Q: Is Dante™ compatible with AVB?
A: According to Audinate®, AVB standards are well-aligned with existing Dante
technology. Audinate has announced that Dante will be AVB-compliant as these
standards are ratified. However, you will still need to use AVB-enabled switches
for true AVB transmissions.