Upgrade Procedure User Manual

Page 6Biamp Systems | AVB Resource Guide
Step 3:
Talker endpoint sends stream and listener endpoint receives it.
Sending Stream!
Receiving Stream!
Endpoint Endpoint
The AVB bridge/switch guarantees time-sensitive, loss-sensitive, real-time AV
data transmission while allowing audio and video data to seamlessly share the
same network. The switches will only allow up to 75% of each network port to
be used for AVB trac, preventing other forms of data from being delayed or
Key Features of AVB
Transports media data faster and simultaneously by referencing a
network master clock.
AVB devices periodically exchange timing information that allows both
ends of the link to synchronize their time base reference clock very
precisely across an AVB-aware LAN. This precise synchronization has
two purposes:
1. To allow accurate synchronization of multiple streams.
2. To provide a common time base for sampling/receiving data streams
at a source device, and presenting those streams at the destination
device with the same relative timing.
Guarantees bounded, low and constant media latency. Low latency is
important in live situations where the receipt of audio needs to arrive
within milliseconds of the original transmission. Bounded/constant
latency prevents the timing from changing by guaranteeing a specific,
known latency between endpoints. The latency of AVB provides 2ms over
7 switch hops in a 100Mbit Ethernet network. With one gigabit hops, 1ms
latency becomes possible.
1 gigabit hop
1 gigabit hop 1 gigabit hop
1ms latency OK!