
Nexia Manual LTR
These Component Objects provide sine-wave, sweep, pink-noise, and white-noise generator
functions. Generators may be connected to any component input, and may be used for
diagnostic and setup purposes, or for applications which require tones or sound-masking.
Once a Component Object is placed into the Layout, all available settings can be accessed by
double-clicking over the object. This produces a Control Dialog Box, which displays the
component controls in a more conventional user interface.
see Tone Generator Control Dialog
see Pink Noise Generator Control Dialog
see White Noise Generator Control Dialog
Right-clicking over the object provides a pop-up menu of options.
Control Dialogs
Tone Generator
Tone selects a single frequency. Sweep selects a
range of frequencies (instead of a single tone).
Mute turns on/off the generator. Level determines
the generator output level. Frequency determines
the frequency for Tone. Start Frequency & Stop
Frequency determine the range of frequencies for
Sweep. Frequency Interval selects the spacing
(and quantity) of individual tones for Sweep. Time
Interval determines the time each tone is held for
Right-clicking over certain settings will provide a
menu of additional options.
Pink Noise Generator
Mute turns on/off the generator. Level determines generator output
Right-clicking over certain settings will provide a menu of additional