
Software Tools
Stop Audio
Disables audio signal flow within the selected system.
See System Network Considerations.
Device Maintenance
Provides an editable table of network related settings for selected NEXIA
devices. Opens Device Maintenance dialog box. Device Maintenance settings
include Date/Time, IP Address, Description, Serial Number, Reset/Initialize,
Update Firmware, and Disconnect From Network. (See System Network Considerations.)
Device Maintenance Dialog Box
Device Information provides information (such as firmware version, input/output configuration,
etc.) regarding the selected device. Set IP Address assigns a device IP Address such as
192.168.1.X (where range of X = 1~254). The factory default IP Address is
However, IP Addresses cannot be duplicated, even in simple (NEXIA only) networks, and must
be carefully managed when network topology is more complex. Set Device Description allows
the selected device to be given a descriptive name. Serial Port Setting selects the baud rate for
RS-232 communications (default 38,400) and allows responses to NTP commands to be
suppressed. Reset/Initialize clears all current system design data from the selected device. This
happens automatically whenever a new system design file (.NEX) is uploaded (see Send
Update Firmware produces a file browser window.