Operation Manual

Bread or bacon dumplings
Ingredients for 4 dumplings:
4 wheat bread rolls, 1/2 tsp salt, 150 ml milk, 40
g butter, 3 eggs, 2-3 tbsp breadcrumbs, 2-3 tbsp
chopped parsley, 30 g bacon cubes (for bacon
Cut the bread rolls into small pieces and sprinkle
with salt. Heat the milk in a microwave-safe bowl
(approx. 2-4 minutes at 800 watts) and pour it
over the bread. Leave to stand for approx. 15
Beat the butter and eggs together until frothy,
add the soaked bread rolls together with the
breadcrumbs and parsley and knead well to form
a dough (Note: for bacon dumplings also knead in
the bacon cubes).
Moisten your hands and form 4 dumplings of the
same size and dip them briefly into cold water.
Cook with the lid on for approx. 6-8 minutes at
480 watts; the dumplings are then ready to serve.
White sauce
40 g flour, 30 g butter, 250 ml instant stock, 250
ml milk
Seasoning: salt, white pepper, sugar
Place the flour, butter, the hot stock and milk in
a microwave-safe bowl, mix well and heat at
full power of 800 watts for approx. 4-5 minutes,
occasionally stirring the mixture vigorously. Then
cook for approx. a further 4-5 minutes at just
320 watts. Mix well and add the seasonings to
250 ml milk, paste of 1/2 vanilla pod, 1 pot of
cream (250 ml), 2 tbsp cornflour, 3 tbsp sugar, 1
egg yolk
Mix the milk, vanilla paste, cream, cornflour and
sugar in a microwave-safe bowl. Heat for approx.
4-5 minutes at 800 watts to bring to the boil, stir-
ring occasionally. When the sauce is ready, mix
well and add the egg yolk to thicken.
Rice pudding
250 g round-grain rice, 1 litre milk, 1 tsp butter,
40 g sugar, cinnamon and sugar (to sprinkle on
top) or stewed fruit
Seasoning: salt
Place the round-grain rice, milk, a pinch of salt,
butter and the sugar in a large microwave-safe
Heat at full power of 800 watts for approx. 10-12
minutes to bring to the boil, stir and simmer gen-
tly at just 160 watts for approx. 20-22 minutes.
Leave to stand for a few more minutes, stir again
and sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on the top or
add stewed fruit, depending on taste.
Red fruit jelly (with strawberries and
250 g frozen strawberries, 250 g frozen raspber-
ries, 1 packet of vanilla sugar, 2 tbsp sugar, 2
tbsp cornflour
KH1107_IB_GB.indd 27 08.12.2004 11:00:57 Uhr