User's Manual

3G / 4G-LTE
(The router also support 4G-LTE network, and user must tell the provider the exact 4G-LTE service
you want for the 4G-LTE router)
APN: An APN is similar to a URL on the WWW, it is what the unit makes a GPRS / UMTS / LTE call.
The service provider is able to attach anything to an APN to create a data connection. Requirements
for APN assignment varies between different service providers. Most service providers have an
internet portal which they connect a DHCP Server to, giving you access to the internet i.e. Some 3G
/ 4G operators use the APN ‘internet’ for their portal. The default value of APN is “broadband”.
Username: Enter the username provided by your service provider.
Password: Enter the password provided by your service provider.
Authentication Protocol: Manually specify CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol)
or PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) if you know which authentication type the server is using
(when acting as a client), or the authentication type you want the clients to use when tehy are
connecting to you (when acting as a server). When using PAP, the password is sent unencrypted,
while CHAP encrypts the password before sending, and also allows for challenges at different
periods to ensure that an intruder has not replaced the client.
PIN: PIN stands for Personal Identification Number. A PIN code is a numeric value used in certain