Technical data

TeleWell TA 128K
2.4 User to User Signalling UUS1
With outgoing and incoming calls the transmission of User-to-User-Data (UUS1-
data) can be performed using the ISDN supplementary service UUS1. The UUS1-
data are transmitted transparently from the calling party to the called party before the
B channel connection is fully established.
Please note, that this ISDN service typically has to be enabled by the ISDN service
provider and may be charged additionally.
See the command ATD in AT command set:
Example: ATDisdnnumber[//<UUS1-data>]
(PAD:) X25number[I<ISDNnumber>[//<UUS1data>]]
//”: separator for UUS1-data
The UUS1-data have a maximum length of 128 Bytes and will be interpreted as
ASCII characters.
Incoming UUS1-data are presented as enhencement to the RING and CONNECT
AT: RING [<rn>] [//<UUS1-data>]
CONNECT [<rn>] [//<UUS1-data>]
PAD: <X.25addr>I<isdnnumber>[//<UUS1-data>]
Note: The presentation of UUS1-data has to be enabled by command ATW1.
The data are presented as ASCII characters.
An incoming call can be accepted (S0 register set to 0) by an ATA or rejected by an
ATH combined with the transmission of UUS1-data (AT only):
ATA [//<UUS1-data>]
ATH [//<UUS1-data>]
RING //userdata
RING //#01020304