User's Manual

Doc Title : User’s Guide Revision : 1.0
Model :
Motorola L70×CBT
Page(s) : 17 of 40
This document contains confidential and proprietary information of VTech Telecommunications Ltd
When adding, removing, or replacing a Bluetooth enabled mobile device on the active devices list, all connected
devices will be disabled temporarily until the procedure is completed.
3.4.1 Adding an active device
You can have a maximum of two devices on the active devices list.
1. Press <MENU> and then <+/-> to select BLUETOOTH.
2. Press <MENU> and then <+/-> to select ACTIVE LIST.
3. Press <MENU> and then <+/-> to select empty position.
4. Press <MENU>. The display will show ADD DEVICE?
Display will show NO PAIRED if there is no device paired up.
If one paired device has already been set as an active device and shown in the active devices list, display will
show PAIR 1 MORE.
5. Press <MENU> and then <+/-> to select a desired device from the paired devices list.
6. Press <MENU>. The corded base displays DEVICE ADDED and starts to connect the selected cellular
7. Depending on your mobile phone settings, you may need to press a key on your mobile phone to confirm the
connection. When you successfully add and connect an active device, the corded base displays
CONNECTED. And cellular name will be displayed in the active devices list.
3.4.2 Connecting/removing an active device
While in the active devices menu, you can choose to connect or remove the cellular from this menu.
1. Press <MENU> and then <+/-> to select BLUETOOTH.
2. Press <MENU> and then <+/-> to select ACTIVE LIST.
3. Press <MENU> and then <+/-> to select a desired device when necessary.
For the cellular device that is not connected:
4. Press <MENU> and then <+/-> to select CONNECT or REMOVE.
If you select CONNECT:
5. Press <MENU> and the telephone starts to connect the selected cellular device.
If you select REMOVE:
5. Press <MENU> and corded base displays REMOVE?
6. Press <MENU> to confirm and the corded base displays REMOVED.
For the connected cellular device:
4. Press <MENU> and corded base displays REMOVE?
5 Press <MENU> to confirm. The corded base displays REMOVED.
If the device(s) is (are) connected, the corresponding <device #1 icon> or <#2 icon> will be displayed. Or else,
only the Bluetooth icon will be displayed.
Even though the active device is removed from the active devices list, it is still on the paired devices list.
3.5 Phonebook transfer
The telephone system can receive phonebook entries sent from your Bluetooth enabled mobile phone which is
paired up and connected to the base unit.
Phonebook transfer operates only when the telephone system is in idle mode.
When receiving entries from Bluetooth enabled mobile phone, the corded base will display #### RECEIVING
PB…(#### refers to the counter for the number of entries downloaded), and then #### PB RECEIVED (####
refers to the total number of entries downloaded successfully) after phonebook transfer is completed.
After the phonebook transfer is completed, all received entries will be stored into the phonebook list like the
phonebook entries created in the telephone system.