Instruction manual

Electric Kettle / Ýëåêòðî÷àéíèê
: CEJ-1775
230V ~50Hz 2400W
Êëàññ çàùèòû I
Made in China / Ñäåëàíî â ÊÍÐ
Manufacturing date is specified on the appliance.
RU XX YY ZZZ code reads as:
XX – production year
YY – production month
ZZZ – batch number
Major Importer of Binatone TM in Russia: JSC Interworld
Products. The address: 2-nd Khoroshevsky proezd, 7, b.1, Mos-
cow, Russia, 123007.
Manufacturer: Binatone Industries Ltd, Great Britain, U.K., 1
Highbridge Wharf, Greenwich, London, SE 10 9PS.
Made in PRC for Binatone Industries Ltd, Great Britain.
Exploitation period: 3 years after the day of purchase.
ME 10