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8.2 Converting eBooks
The Reader supports eBooks in several formats, such as PDF, e-PUB, TXT and FB2. If
you have eBooks that are not in any of these formats, we recommend that you use a
freeware such as calibre to convert them into a supported format.
8.2.1 Using calibre for conversion
calibre is an eBook library application that helps you convert your eBooks into several
formats that can be viewed with your eBook Reader. It is a free software. For more
information on the usage of calibre, such as conversion settings, transferring and
managing eBooks, please visit
calibre will not convert eBooks that are DRM (Digital Rights Management) protected. For more
advanced conversion options, please visit
Installing and setting up calibre on your computer
The calibre eBook software is provided on the basis of GNU General Public Licence v3.
The original author of calibre is Kovid Goyal.
The software is provided under no warranty and for use on a voluntary basis only.
Any problems arising from the use of the software are not by any means the responsibility
of Binatone.
The latest software version and further information can be found on the Internet under
It is recommended to use a memory card to transfer eBooks into the Reader using the
Save to disk command.
1 Download the application from the Internet
2 The Welcome Wizard starts when you run calibre on your computer for the first time.
Follow the instructions to set up calibre on your computer.