User's Manual

Smart Storage Agitator for PC4200 User Manual
Version: 2.2
Validation date of the manual: 31/10/2018 13 of 33
In red: area of non-detection of the tag
The RFID tags compatible with the SST-A for PC4200 are passive tags.
2.4.4. Third party software.
The SST-A for PC4200 can subscribe a third-party software and communicate via its web
service to share / exchange PC traceability data (standard communication protocol). The
third-party software can then request the SST-A for PC4200 to write data to the RFID tag
In case of use of such software, compatibility validation will be performed with Biolog-id.
The third-party system is responsible for interpreting the data received from the SST-A for
The RFID system that is implemented in this version of the SST-A will relay in which SST-A kit
(Kit 1, 2, 3 or 4), and in which drawer (Drawer 1 to 5) within the kit, each stored unit is
located (from kit 1 to 4).