User Manual

NESS L300 Plus
Users Guide
Cleaning the System Components
All NESS L300 components may be cleaned by carefully wiping them with a
damp cloth. The electrical components are not waterproof. Do not immerse
them in water. The L300 FS Cuff is the only component that can be immersed
in water to clean. Bioness recommends cleaning the L300 FS Cuff when
replacing the hydrogel electrodes, so that the electrodes do not dry out.
To clean the L300 FS Cuff:
1. Remove the RF Stim Unit.
2. Gently remove the electrodes from the electrode bases. For hydrogel
electrodes, replace the electrode covers. Do not remove the electrode
Immerse the FS Cuff for 30 minutes in lukewarm water and mild detergent.
Do not use a washing machine.
4. Rinse the FS Cuff thoroughly under running water.
Immerse the FS Cuff for an additional 15 minutes in clean, lukewarm water.
6. Rinse the FS Cuff again under running water.
7. Gently blot excess moisture from the FS Cuff with a towel. Do not wring
the FS Cuff. Lay the FS Cuff flat in the shade to dry. (Do not hang dry.)
Drying time will vary from 4 to 12 hours depending on climate and humidity.
For faster drying, place the FS Cuff in front of a circulating cold-air fan.
Do not use a hot-air dryer or other heat source to dry.
8. When the FS Cuff is completely dry, insert the RF Stim Unit and attach
the electrodes.