User Manual

NESS L300 Plus
Users Guide
Skin Care Guidelines
In the absence of proper skin care, extended use of electrical stimulation may
cause skin irritation or a skin reaction to the electrodes or the FS Cuffs. Skin
irritation tends to occur after approximately three months of use. To promote
healthy skin with long-term use of the NESS L300 Plus, it is important to
follow a daily skin-care routine.
Clean the skin where the electrodes adhere with a wet washcloth. If any
oils or lotions are on the skin, then clean with soap and water. Rinse well.
Always check the skin for redness or a rash when putting on and taking
off the FS Cuffs.
Replace the electrodes at least every two weeks, even if they appear to
be in good condition.
After taking off the L300 FS Cuff, always re-cover hydrogel electrodes
with the protective plastic covers.
Excess body hair where the electrodes adhere may reduce electrode
contact with the skin. If necessary, remove excess body hair with an
electric shaver or scissors. Do not use a razor. A razor can irritate the skin.
When positioning the FS Cuffs, make sure the electrodes uniformly contact
the skin.
Ventilate the skin by removing the FS Cuffs for at least 15 minutes every
three to four hours.
If skin irritation or a skin reaction occurs, stop using your NESS L300 Plus
System immediately. Contact your clinician, dermatologist, or Bioness Clinical
Specialist. Resume use only when the skin is completely healed. Then follow
a skin conditioning protocol per the recommendation of your health-care