User Manual

Table Of Contents
4-14 StimRouter User Manual
Implantable Lead
The StimRouter lead is about 6 inches long. It has a stimulation end and a
pick-up end. The entire lead is implanted.
Stimulation End
Stimulates the treatment area.
Pick-Up End
Receives (picks up) the stimulation signal from the external pulse
transmitter and sends it to the stimulation end. The pick-up end can
usually be felt by palpating the skin in the area of implant.
User Patch
The user patch is designed for short-term use and is worn on the skin
directly over the pick-up end of the StimRouter lead. The user patch
features two surface gel electrodes, an integrated battery and a cradle for
the external pulse transmitter. The User Kit comes with several user
patches, and with accessories for storing and carrying the patches.
Design Features
Two Surface Gel Electrodes
Used to adhere the user patch to the skin. Also used to emit the electrical
signal from the external pulse transmitter to the pick-up end of the
implanted lead.
Integrated Battery
Supplies the energy for the external pulse transmitter.
External Pulse Transmitter Cradle
Holds the external pulse transmitter.
EPT Latching Mechanism
Keeps the external pulse transmitter (EPT) in place.