Product Manual

Protocol for use of the DeClogger
To maintain or achieve patency of gastric and/or jejunostomy enteral tubes.
The DeClogger should be used every week to maintain unimpeded ow of an enteral formula. The
DeClogger will also be used to achieve patency of a tube that has become clogged with semi-solid
formula. The DeClogger should be disposed of after a single use.
The following protocol should be followed according to the desired need.
Blocked Gastric or Jejunostomy Tube
1. Determine the size of the gastric or jejunostomy tube.
CAUTION: Verify that the tube has not been modied, i.e. shortened.
2. Select appropriate size DeClogger that corresponds to the size of the tube.
3. Turn enteral feeding pump to PAUSE position and disconnect from enteral tube. (If gravity pump,
clamp the tubing.)
4. Insert the DeClogger to reach the blockage and slowly rotate two times in a clockwise direction
then reverse and rotate two times in a counter-clockwise direction while removing it. Do not attempt
to force the DeClogger through the entire blockage.
5. Repeat step 4 until the stop disk of the DeClogger is reached without diculty.
6. Flush tube with 30-60 cc’s of water.
7. Once clear, reconnect the delivery tube and restart the enteral feeding.
8. Discard DeClogger and document results.
Prophylactic Use
For prophylactic use, implement the DeClogger protocol every week depending on the patient’s
feeding and medication scheduling.
If the DeClogger becomes imbedded in the blockage and cannot be easily dislodged, the enteral
feeding tube will need to be changed. DO NOT attempt to physically remove the DeClogger.

Summary of content (1 pages)