User's Manual

© Copyright 2002, Bioscrypt Inc. All rights reserved.
created at your site. It also ensures that data on the smart cards created at your site can
not be read by anyone that does not know your chosen SiteKey.
What is the “Default” SiteKey?
All V-Smarts are shipped from Bioscrypt with the SiteKey set to an empty string (120 bits of
all zeros). This allows Administrators to use the V-Smart in a non secure mode until they
are ready to set their personal SiteKey and secure the system. When using the Default
SiteKey in non secure mode and VeriAdmin performs a SiteKey Validation, simply do not
enter any key and just press the OK button. After the V-Smart verifies it is using the default
SiteKey and it verifies the smart card is also using the default SiteKey, the operation will be
Where is the SiteKey Stored?
The SiteKey is stored within the internal memory of the V-Smart and is encrypted and
stored on the smart card itself. The SiteKey is NOT stored within VeriAdmin, they are NOT
stored on the PC, and they can NOT be retrieved from the V-Smart. It is the
responsibility of the Administrator to remember the SiteKey and take measure to
prevent the SiteKey from being forgotten.
What is the Difference Between PRIMARY and SECONDARY
The V-Smart can store two SiteKeys. The PRIMARY SiteKey is used in normal operations
and is the SiteKey the Administrator used with performing a SiteKey verification operation
within VeriAdmin. The SECONDARY SiteKey is only used to update older cards when a
new PRIMARY SiteKey is set. See “How do I Change the SiteKey if I Already Have a
User Base of Previously Created Smart Cards?” for further details on how and when to
use the SECONDARY SiteKey.