User's Manual

© Copyright 2002, Bioscrypt Inc. All rights reserved.
of a PASS-THRU format. In order to use this ability, the following information is
Total number of Wiegand bits in Wiegand String (maximum = 64 bits)
Start Bit of the ID FIELD (where first bit is bit 0)
Number of bits in the ID FIELD (must be contiguous bits)
Using these 3 pieces of information, when a card is presented to the BII_Unit, it
will attempt to decode the ID FIELD and use that information as the TEMPLATE ID
number. All SITE codes, Parity, and any other data are ignored. Using this ID, the
BII_Unit will attempt to VERIFY the template corresponding to the decoded ID.
If the ID is not found or if the VERIFICATION attempt FAILS, no Wiegand
output is sent. To the controller, it will appear as if nothing was presented.
If the ID is valid and a SUCCESSFUL VERIFICATION is performed, the
original Wiegand INPUT string (with SITE code, Parity, etc) will “PASS-THRU” to
the WIEGAND OUTPUT unchanged.
Although this PASS-THRU option does not allow FAIL STRINGS, changing
the SITE code or checking PARITY, it does provide a mechanism for using a wide
variety of Wiegand formats.