User's Manual

© Copyright 2002, Bioscrypt Inc. All rights reserved.
Multiple Readers
If your installation includes multiple Veri-Series readers that are used by a
common population of users, you will need to distribute the fingerprint template of
each user to all the readers.
Note: It is recommended that you designate one
Bioscrypt Unit as the “administration reader” and
enroll all new users on this unit.
After a new user is enrolled on the administration unit, the template can be copied
to the other readers. If the units are networked, you can broadcast the new
template to the other readers over the RS-485 lines using the VeriAdmin
Management Software. If the readers are not interconnected, a laptop can be
used to download the templates from the administration reader and then
uploaded to each reader through its Aux Port.
Backing-Up Templates
Templates can be “backed-up” by downloading them to a PC. On the PC, template
files are of the type “.tem” for 1:1 verification templates used with the VeriProx /
VeriFlex / V-Smart and “.mtm.” for the larger searching templates used with a V-
PASS (see Appendix C). The name of the file is derived from the Template ID
Number and the Template Index Number. For example, the first file (1_4.tem) in
Figure 8 below is of Template ID 1 and Template Index 4 (referred to as Template
1 4).
Figure 8: Template files on the PC
NOTE: when the template is uploaded from the PC to a Veri-Series reader, the
Template ID Number and Index Number is taken from data within the file, not from
the file name. Therefore, even if you change the name of the file on your PC, the