User's Manual

© Copyright 2002, Bioscrypt Inc. All rights reserved.
Section A.3 - Using Content and Quality during Enrollments
As described in section A.1, Quality and Content scores are returned in the enrollment
process. These scores give an indication of the performance of the template enrolled. To a
large degree, the verification algorithm compensates for deficiencies in image quality and
loss of information content. Nonetheless, knowledge of these parameters and what they
mean helps ensure optimal performance.
False Acceptance and False Rejection
In order to understand the effects of poor image quality and poor information content it
is necessary to understand how to measure performance. Performance of the Veri-
Series unit is presented in terms of False Rejection and False Acceptance.
False Rejection indicates that the unit incorrectly rejected a fingerprint that
corresponds to the person’s template. False Rejections rarely occur and
primarily result from the inability to get a good image of the finger.
False Acceptance indicates that the unit accepted a fingerprint that does
not correspond to the template it was compared against. False
Acceptances also are rare and primarily result when a fingerprint template
is characterized by low information in the enrolled print.
The algorithm on the Veri-Series units has been tuned so that the false acceptance
and false rejection rates are equal at the medium security level (level 3), delivering the
industry leading accuracy. This is known as the Equal Error Rate. Increasing the
security (e.g., changing the security level from 3 to 1) will decrease the chance for
false acceptance at the expense of increased false rejection. Reducing the security
(e.g., changing the security level from 3 to 5) will decrease the chance of a false
rejection at the expense of false acceptance. The table below indicates the expected
error rates at the different security levels.
Security Level False Rejection Rate False Acceptance Rate
Very Low (5) 1 / 10,000 1 / 100
Low (4) 1 / 5000 1 / 200
Medium (3) 1 / 1000 1 / 1000
High (2) 1 / 200 1 / 5000
Very High (1) 1 / 100 1 / 20,000