User's Manual

© Copyright 2002, Bioscrypt Inc. All rights reserved.
Appendix B – Understanding the BROADCAST option in
RS-485 Based Networks
The BROADCAST feature allows a command to be sent to ALL units connected on the
same PC COMM Port. Using a NETWORK ID of –1 enables “Broadcast Mode”. Although
this is often a very convenient feature, it also has some inherent issues that the user should
be aware of and understand. Bioscrypt recommends that only advance users attempt the
BROADCAST features.
NO REPLIES. When in Broadcast mode, no replies from the receiving unit are possible.
This is because that since all units receive the command at the same time, all units would
then normally reply at the same time. On a RS485 network, it more then one unit is
communicating at the same time, the communications electrically collide and cannot be
understood. This is an inherent shortcoming of the RS485 protocol. This collision will also
happen if 2 or more units are the same NETWORK ID, since they will both respond at the
same time and cause the same problem. When in Broadcast mode, the Bioscrypt readers
are instructed NOT to REPLY.
NO ERROR CHECKING. The Bioscrypt communication protocol has various error
checking methods built into the interface. This error checking requires two-way
communication between the PC and the Bioscrypt reader to ensure that command packets
where received and all data contained. Because NO REPLIES are possible, the error
checking is disabled in Broadcast mode.
This can become an issue when using a network of Bioscrypt readers since the reader itself
cannot process a communication packet during Verification. Although this time is very
short, if a command is received during portions of a Verification the unit would normally
respond with a BUSY error code. However, if in Broadcast mode, no response can be
given and the VeriAdmin will not know that the command was ignored by that particular unit
(even though it would have been accepted by all other units.) Manual verification is often
required to ensure all units successfully received a Broadcast command. An example of
this can be seen in the BROADCAST PC TEMPLATE section. The VeriAdmin Software will
Broadcast the TRANSFER command, but then manually verify that the template was
successfully transferred to each and every unit after the Broadcast command is complete.
Since Broadcast commands cannot have the Bioscrypt reader reply, using a Network ID
has been disabled in Reset to Factory defaults and Sensor Settings.
NOTE: A Broadcast command will be received by all units on the same PC COMM port. If
a network consists of multiple COMM ports, the Broadcast command will have to be sent on
each COMM port in order to reach all units on the network. This is automatically done by
the VeriAdmin Software for BROADCAST PC TEMPLATES and for all commands in the
BROADCAST PARAMETERS window based on the UNITIDS.DAT file. However, this is
not for other commands where the user specifies a Network ID of –1.