User's Manual

© Copyright 2002, Bioscrypt Inc. All rights reserved.
Pressing the SECURITY SETTINGS button will bring up the following dialog box:
This dialog will allow the user to adjust how often the Site Key verification is performed.
The default is EVERYTIME and VeriAdmin will reset to this default setting every time the
application is started. To change, select the desired choice and press the SAVE ADMIN
SETTINGS button. A Site Key verification is performed before the change is accepted.
This dialog also contains two checkboxes to enable the use of a 1-way hashing function on
the Site Key prior to sending to the V-Smart (Use software HASH). This is an extra
security step that will convert a simple text password to a 120-bit encrypted string every
time it is transmitted to the V-Smart. See Appendix E: Administrator SiteKey Management
for precautions related to changing Site Keys and using the hashing function.
The VeriAdmin Security Settings dialog box also allows the Administrator to change the
Primary and Secondary SiteKeys and to chose whether those new keys will be hashed or
not. Pressing the CHANGE SITEKEY button will always perform a Site Key Verification
before changing the current primary and secondary keys regardless of the timeout settings.
A new addition to this dialog is the ESI Site Key Security option. The checkbox USE ESI
SITEKEY ENCRYPTION is used in conjunction with the drop-down box. This deals with
how Site Keys are managed on the smart card itself and there are 3 available settings. The
default setting is use ESI Site Key Encryption with Key B for Read/Write. The other two
available options do not use ESI Site Key Encryption, and are provided for compatibility with
other applications which want to read and/or write data to the smart card. The checkbox
must be unchecked to enable these options. Note that Key A and Key B do not correspond
to PRIMARY and SECONDARY Site Keys; please read the manufacturer’s documentation
for more information. Only advanced users should change this setting!