User's Manual

© Copyright 2002, Bioscrypt Inc. All rights reserved.
Section D.5 – Verification Using a Smart Card
After enrolling a template on a smart card, you can then use the card to perform a Verification.
Exit the SMART CARD MANAGER dialog so the V-SMART is placed back into HOST MODE.
Place the smart card near the reader as shown earlier in this section. The Top LED will
In our example, the top LED should turn YELLOW, indicating “PLACE FINGER”. Remove the
card, place your finger and hold until the LED goes blank. Once the LED goes blank, you can
remove your finger. The LED will then either turn RED or GREEN indicating a FAIL or a PASS.
Best Performance Practices / Finger placement
The V-Smart unit should be mounted in a position that takes these factors into consideration:
ease of use, at a height that allows for proper finger placement, in line with other switch plates
or fixtures, and in accordance with Americans with Disabilities Act where applicable.
Recommended mounting height is 48-54” from floor to sensor level.
Typically, using either the index or middle finger provides the best performance. We
recommend you do NOT use thumbs or pinkies (little finger), but we do recommend that you
enroll an alternate finger on your other hand (total of 2 fingers enrolled). Please refer to
APPENDIX A for more details about maximize fingerprint performance
RED Not Verified
GREEN Verified / Enrollment Accepted
YELLOW Template READ; Place Finger on Sensor
RED No Template on smart card
FLASHING RED Invalid SiteKey, can not read card data