User's Manual

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Document #430-90003-08 © Copyright 2003, Bioscrypt Inc. All rights reserved.
System Turn-up Procedures
System turn-up must follow a step-by-step procedure. Never wire up a system and
apply power to it all at once. This can turn a potential success into an immediate
The following steps should be observed:
1. Do not apply power to any units.
2. Check all wiring and device configuration.
3. Disconnect all units from RS-485 communication line.
4. Check for the correct supply voltage before connecting it to any device.
5. Power up the PC running the VeriAdmin or other software that is designed
to work with the Veri- series readers. The RS-232 to RS-485 converter should
also be powered up at this time. If communicating to units via Ethernet, be
sure the correct cable is connected to the PC NIC card.
6. Configure the PC software.
7. Check for ground fault between the converter and the RS-485
communication line (see figure 13). Find any faults and clear them if they
8. Connect the PC and converter to the RS-485 line.
9. Power up a SLAVE (V-Prox or other reader), but DO NOT connect it to the
RS-485 line. Verify that it powers up correctly.
10. Check for ground fault between this unit and the RS-485 communication
line. Find any faults and clear them if they exist.
11. Connect this unit to the RS-485 line.
12. Verify that it communicates with the PC software.
13. If there are more SLAVES (V-Prox or other readers), add the subsequent
readers by repeating steps 9-12.
Device Configuration Check
Devices must be configured correctly before they can communicate. Common
problems include not correctly selecting RS-485 as the Com Port, mismatched
baud rates, and incorrect device addresses. Each device sharing the RS-485 line
must have a unique address.