User's Manual

Page 31
Document #430-90003-08 © Copyright 2003, Bioscrypt Inc. All rights reserved.
Ground Potential Difference Check
Before a device is connected to an RS-485 subsystem, it must be checked for
ground fault. An uncorrected ground fault can damage all devices connected
to the RS-485 communication line.
To check if there is ground fault for a new unit, follow the steps below:
1. Apply power to all devices already successfully connected to RS-485 line.
2. Power up a new unit, but DO NOT connect it to RS-485 line.
3. Connect the signal ground of the RS-485 line through a 10-k current limiting
resistor to the signal ground (see Table 2) of the Veri-Series unit. There should
NOT be more than 1 volt across the resistor. Otherwise find and clear the
4. Repeat the steps in #3 with each of the RS-485 signal lines (+ and –)
5. Connect the new unit to the RS-485 line only if no ground fault is found.