User's Manual

Table Of Contents
4 Cardiac Airbag Technical Manual
Storage (temperature) - Store the device between 5° to 55°C
(41° - 131° F) because temperatures outside this range could
damage the device.
Storage (magnets) - To avoid damage to the device, store the
device in a clean area, away from magnets, kits containing
magnets, and sources of electromagnetic interference (EMI).
Temperature Stabilization - Allow the device to reach room
temperature before programming or implanting the device
because temperature extremes may affect initial device function.
Use Before Date - Do not implant the device after the USE
BEFORE DATE because the device may have reduced
1.4.2 Device Implantation and Programming
ing of the high voltage
Blind Plug - A blind plug must be inserted and firmly conn
into any unused header port to prevent chronic fluid influx and
possible shunting of high energy therapy.
Capacitor Reformation - Infrequent charg
capacitors may extend the charge times of the ICD. The
capacitors may be reformed manually, or the ICD may be
programmed to reform the capacitors automatically. For further
information, please refer to Section 2.6.3
, Capacitor Reforming.
Connector Compatibility - ICD and lead system compatibility
should be confirmed prior to the implant procedure. Consult
your BIOTRONIK representative regarding lead/pulse generator
compatibility prior to the implantation of an ICD system. For
further information, please refer to Appendix A
ERI (Elective Replacement Indicator) - Upon reaching ERI, the
battery has sufficient energy remaining to continue monitoring for
at least three months and to deliver a minimum of six 30 joule
shocks. After this period, tachyarrhythmia detection and therapy
will proceed until EOS is declared. Bradycardia functions are
still active at programmed values until the battery voltage drops
below 3.0 volts.