User's Manual

Table Of Contents
12 Cardiac Airbag Technical Manual
Based on results to date, adverse effects resulting from
interactions between cellular telephones and implanted ICDs
have been transitory. The potential adverse effects could
include inhibition or delivery of additional therapies. If
electromagnetic interference (EMI) emitting from a telephone
does adversely affect an implanted ICD, moving the telephone
away from the immediate vicinity of the ICD should restore
normal operation. A recommendation to address every specific
interaction of EMI with implanted ICDs is not possible due to the
disparate nature of EMI.
1.4.9 Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS)
Equipment such as retail theft prevention systems may interact
with pulse generators. Patients should be advised to walk
directly through and not to remain near an EAS system longer
than necessary.
1.4.10 Home Appliances
Home appliances normally do not affect ICD operation if the
appliances are in proper working condition and correctly
grounded and shielded. There have been reports of the
interaction of electric tools or other external devices (e.g. electric
drills, older models of microwave ovens, electric razors, etc.)
with ICDs when they are placed in close proximity to the device.