User's Manual

Table Of Contents
40 Cardiac Airbag Technical Manual
tem Status
Imp a in the Holter memory. The
Holter m ration to provide the most
criti i
The D rrhythmia
epis e rrhythmia
detection and therapy parameters. This diagnostic data includes
a therapy history and stored intracardiac electrograms.
Episode Details - Detailed information about each individual
episode is presented as a table of events with the most recent
episode listed first. Each IEGM segment can be viewed from the
episode detail sub-menu by selecting the EGM button. From this
screen, an IEGM can be expanded and scrolled to assist in a
more accurate IEGM interpretation and a closer examination of
specific segments. (See Figure
Figure 4. Sys
2.6.6 Holter Me
ort nt information is available with
emory has a preset configu
cal nformation to the physician.
.1 Episode List
IC stores essential diagnostic data about tachya
od s that may be used to optimize tachya