User Manual

If both lights stay permanently illuminated
yellow, the CardioMessenger is defective.
Return it to your physician.
The connection check can take up to
15 minutes.
Error type C
Check the mobile connection
The operating light illuminates yellow
continuously (longer than 15 minutes). The call
back light is off. CardioMessenger cannot
connect to the BIOTRONIK Service Center.
1. Remove the power supply unit from the wall
2. Put the CardioMessenger on a place with
better mobile reception.
Make sure that the distance to the implant
is still less than two meters.
3. Reconnect the CardioMessenger.
The CardioMessenger restarts and performs
the self-test. It checks the connection to the
BIOTRONIK Service Center. The operating
light switches to green once the connection
test is sucessful. The CardioMessenger is now
ready for use.
The connection check can take up to
15 minutes.
If near your bed is a place where the
CardioMessenger cannot get a connection to
the BIOTRONIK Service Center in general, talk
to your physician.
CardioM Page 18 Tuesday, May 6, 2008 1:11 PM