User's Manual

How do I handle the patient device?How do I handle the patient device?
How do I handle the patient device?How do I handle the patient device?
How do I handle the patient device?
Below describes how to begin operating and how to use
your patient device.
What must be done before starting to use the patientWhat must be done before starting to use the patient
What must be done before starting to use the patientWhat must be done before starting to use the patient
What must be done before starting to use the patient
Find a safe place for the device. That means:
The device cannot be knocked to the floor or dropped.
It is not too warm or too humid (not in a bathroom).
The device is not in direct sun light.
Normally, a bedside table is a suitable place. When you
sleep, the distance between your implant and the patient
device should not be more than approximately two meters
(about 6 feet). In this way, during the night your implant
data can be successfully transmitted to the patient device.