User's Manual

What is Home Monitoring?What is Home Monitoring?
What is Home Monitoring?What is Home Monitoring?
What is Home Monitoring?
Dear Patient,
You are the recipient of an implanted pacemaker (PM) or
Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD). Your implant
is a complex electronic device, which benefits your health
and improves your quality of life.
BIOTRONIK has developed a new feature for your implant
the Home Monitoring function.the Home Monitoring function.
the Home Monitoring function.the Home Monitoring function.
the Home Monitoring function.
The Home Monitoring function permits implant-related
monitoring by your doctor. Therefore, an optimal adaption
of the implant to your personal and physical needs is
possible. Your implanted device has a small wireless
transmitter that sends out signals, which have been
recorded by the device.
A patient device, provided to you for home use, receives
these signals from the implant and transmits them to a
BIOTRONIK Service Center. The implant data are com-
piled at the Service Center in a comprehensive report
known as the Cardio Report.
Service CenterService Center
Service CenterService Center
Service Center