User's Manual

Safety precautions – What to look out forSafety precautions – What to look out for
Safety precautions – What to look out forSafety precautions – What to look out for
Safety precautions – What to look out for
The patient device and its components were developed,
produced and tested according to the latest guidelines and
standards. It meets the strict regulations for medical
devices. So that your patient device functions without
problems, the following safety measures must be carried
Do not use the patient device in areas where a cellularDo not use the patient device in areas where a cellular
Do not use the patient device in areas where a cellularDo not use the patient device in areas where a cellular
Do not use the patient device in areas where a cellular
phone is forbidden – hospitals, aircraftphone is forbidden – hospitals, aircraft
phone is forbidden – hospitals, aircraftphone is forbidden – hospitals, aircraft
phone is forbidden – hospitals, aircraft
etc etc
etc etc
Switch your patient device off before you enter areas
where cellular phones are forbidden.
Keep a minimum distance between the mobile patientKeep a minimum distance between the mobile patient
Keep a minimum distance between the mobile patientKeep a minimum distance between the mobile patient
Keep a minimum distance between the mobile patient
device and your implant.device and your implant.
device and your implant.device and your implant.
device and your implant.
Your mobile patient device, similar to cellular telephones,
can effect your implant if the distance between the mobile
patient device and the implant is less than 15 cm (about
6 inches). To prevent disturbances, please keep the
patient device at least this minimum distance from your
implant. You can keep the mobile patient device in the
supplied soft case, and transport it attached to your belt.
Do not place the patient device directly over your implant.
Do not carry the patient device inside the breast pocket of
your shirt.