User Manual

Table Of Contents
5 Technical Data
Mechanical Characteristics
Devices with a DF-1/IS-1, DF4/IS-1 or DF4/IS4 header:
Materials in contact with body tissue
Housing: Titanium
Header: Epoxy resin
Blind plug and silicone plug: Silopren or silastic
DF4 /IS4 seal: Silastic
X-ray identification
Electrical Characteristics
The specifications are made according to EN 45502-2-2:2008.
Measuring conditions
If not indicated otherwise, all specifications refer to the following conditions:
Ambient temperature: 37ºC ± 2°C
Pacing/sensing: 500 Ω ± 1%
Shock: 50 Ω ±1%
Factory settings
Arrhythmia zones VT1, VT2, VF: OFF
Antibradycardia pacing: OFF
Home Monitoring: OFF
Telemetry data
Nominal carrier frequency: 403.6 MHz
Maximum power of transmission: < 25 µW (-16 dBm)
International radio certification
Devices with BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring
are equipped with an antenna for wireless
Telemetry data for Canada:
This device must neither interfere with meteorological and earth resources technology
satellites nor with meteorological stations working in the 400,150 to 406,000 MHZ band,
and it must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
This device will be registered with Industry Canada under the following number:
IC: 4708A–TACH70
The code IC in front of the certification/ registration number only indicates that the
technical requirements for Industry Canada are met.
Telemetry data for Japan:
In accordance with Japanese law, this device has been assigned an identification
number under the "Ordinance concerning certification of conformity with technical
regulations etc. of specified radio equipment", Article 2-1-8.
R: 202-SMC010
Telemetry data for the USA:
This transmitter is authorized by rule under the Medical Device Radiocommunication
Service (in part 95 of the FCC Rules) and must not cause harmful interference to
stations operating in the 400.150-406.000 MHz band in the Meteorological Aids ( i.e.,
transmitters and receivers used to communicate weather data), the Meteorological
Satellite, or the Earth Exploration Satellite Services and must accept interference that
may be caused by such stations, including interference that may cause undesired oper-
ation. This transmitter shall be used only in accordance with the FCC Rules governing
the Medical Device Radiocommunication Service. Analog and digital voice communica-
Type Connector port W x H x D in mm
Volume cm
Mass g
VR DF-1 65 x 55 x 12.5 36 86
DF4 65 x 52 x 12.5 34 86
DX DF-1 65 x 55 x 12.5 36 86
DR DF-1 65 x 55 x 12.5 36 86
DF4 65 x 56 x 12.5 35 87
HF DF-1 65 x 58.5 x 12.5 37 88
DF4 65 x 56 x 12.5 36 87
HF QP DF4/IS4 65 x 59x 12.5 37 89