BioWave Corporation 23
4. User Instructions
4.3 Pad Placements for Different Pain Conditions
1. Two Locations of Pain
If there are two locations of pain, then place each Pain Relief Pad directly over each
painful location. One inch is the minimum spacing between the Pain Relief Pads.
2. Single Location of Pain
If you have a single location of pain:
1. Place one Pain Relief Pad directly over the single location of the pain.
2. Place the second Pain Relief Pad over a bony location which is a comfortable
location to receive stimulation. This allows you to more comfortably increase
encompass the pain site.
3. Radiating Pain
If you have radiating pain from your back down your legs or from your neck down
your arm:
1. Place one Pain Relief Pad over the origin of the pain one inch to the right or left of
the center of the spine toward the direction the pain is radiating.
2. PlacethesecondPainReliefPadovertherstlocationyoufeelpainthatisclosest
to the origin of the pain. For example, for radiating pain from your low back down
your leg, the second Pain Relief Pad may be placed on your low back or buttock
over a location of pain. For radiating pain from your neck, the second Pain Relief
Pad for example may be placed on your trapezius muscle over a location of pain.