User's Manual

Bird Technologies Manual 7-9598-2.1(Rough Draft) 10/17/16 Page 15
Class B SB Module. The external passive filters
provide the isolation between the uplink and down-
link paths and are required to prevent oscillation.
The size of the external passive filters will deter-
mine the size of the enclosure or the amount of
rack space needed. The connections between the
module and the external passive filters would be
made with double shielded coaxial cable. The fil-
ters also insure that only signals in the desired
operational band are amplified and not those of
other radio services. Isolators may be used as
shown in the UHF block diagram to simplify the RF
connections to the two signal paths or appropri-
ately phased cables might also be used.
Power is applied to the booster by turning on the
AC and DC power switches located on the flip-up
panel as shown in figure 1. The status LED located
on the front door of the unit will illuminate indicating
that operational power is being applied.
Caution: RF ports must be termi-
nated before energizing booster.
Status LED
The status LED is located on the front cover of the
unit as shown in Figure 8. This is a tri-color indica-
tor (red, yellow, green). Each color represents a dif-
ferent status as listed in Table 2.
Alarm Form-C Contacts
ALARM Form-C relay contacts are located on the
back of the flip-up panel as shown in Figure 9.
These push-on style terminals are intended for
connection to the customer’s supervisory and data
acquisition system. Both normally open and nor-
mally closed contacts are available for each of five
alarm functions.
The normal condition for the SBII+ is power
applied, no alarms occurring, and the booster
operating as usual with the front door status LED
colored green. Under these normal conditions
there will be continuity between the Com and NC
alarm contacts and no continuity between the COM
and NO alarm contacts. When an alarm condition
occurs the status LED on the front door will turn
red and the appropriate form-C contacts will
change state. When alarming there will be continu-
ity between the COM and NO alarm contacts and
no continuity between the COM and NC alarm con-
tacts. The alarm terminals are push-on type for
ease of connection. Route the alarm wires through
one of the access holes in the bottom of the cabi-
net, strip about 3/16” of insulation from the end of
each wire and insert into the appropriate terminal.
To remove a wire push down on the tab and pull
out the wire. Use #20 or #22 gauge insulated wire
for alarm connections.
NFPA Compliant
The SBII+ signal booster is designed to be compli-
ant with the national public safety in-building codes
issued in the International Fire Code and the
National Fire Protection Association. The booster
accomplishes compliance when used in conjunc-
tion with an appropriate battery backup unit. An
optional battery backup unit is available from Bird
Technologies, model number 6160-H/E-24-NG.
Detailed installation and operating instructions for
the battery backup unit are included with the
backup unit when it ships from the factory.
Figure 8: Status LED.
Color Status
Red System has a critical error.
Ye l l o w
System has an error - Warning: Per-
formance may be impaired. Example
- Loss of AC and system is running
on DC backup power.
Green System is running normally.
Table 2: Status LED.