User's Manual

61-89A-50-A18-G1-UserMan page 14 of 20
TX RX Systems Inc. Manual 7-9352 (version 4) 01/27/04 Page 14
Configuration Settings
These items allow system configuration changes to
be made. The final selection in this group Restore
Orig Config will restore all configurable settings to
their original factory default values. Each config-
urable item is discussed below in detail.
Selecting this function automatically calibrates the
current alarm trip point of each amplifier in the
system. Due to manufacturing tolerances there are
small differences in current draw between amplifier
assemblies. This software function matches the
alarm sensing circuit to the respective amplifier
assembly and should be repeated whenever an
amplifier assembly is replaced for maintenance
This function allows the user to electronically
reduce the gain of the booster up to 30 dB in incre-
ments of 0.5 dB. Gain can be adjusted indepen-
dently for both the uplink and downlink channels.
Allows the output levels for the uplink and downlink
channels to be independently adjusted in 1 dB
increments up to +30 dBm. Note that the OLC cir-
cuitry will make every effort to maintain the sys-
tems output level at the values you have selected in
this menu.
Detailed Status Screens
These items allow a detailed examination of sys-
tem components including; all amplifiers, the power
supply, and the OLC function. Each item is dis-
cussed below in detail.
A separate status screen is available for each
amplifier in the system. When an amplifier is
selected this function will display the present cur-
rent draw of that amp as well as its present operat-
ing temperature in degrees Celsius. In addition, a
status message will indicate if the amplifier is con-
nected and whether the amplifier is bypassed or
not bypassed. This menu selection also provides
the option of placing an amplifier in bypass or tak-
ing an amplifier out of bypass.
This function displays the real time power supply
voltages for both 24 volt and 12 volt supplies.
This screen shows the amount of attenuation pres-
ently being used by the OLC for both the uplink and
downlink channels. In addition, the percentage of
OLC presently being used is also shown.
The amount of OLC currently being
used in either the uplink or downlink
channels is also indicated by LED bar
graph displays located on the display
This screen displays the OLC historical data over
the past 100 days for both uplink and downlink. The
average OLC attenuation used when the OLC was
active is given both for individual days and over the
entire past 100 days. The percentage of time the
OLC was active is also given for both individual
days and over the past 100 days. This archived
information will permit the creation of a user signal
profile to facilitate optimum system configuration
and performance.
The system continuously monitors the current draw
and operating temperature of each amplifier as well
as the voltage level of the +12 and +24 VDC sup-
plies. If any of these parameters exceed normal
operating levels by a factory preset percentage the
system enters an alarm condition. Notification of an
alarm condition is provided by LED indicators and
Form-C contacts available via the alarm terminal
There are LED indicators for each amplifier in the
system as well as the +12 and +24 VDC power
supply voltages. The LED indicators for the low and
mid level amplifiers are located on the individual
plug-in module. These are tri-color LEDs with
green representing NORMAL operation, orange
representing a WARNING condition, and red indi-
cating a FAULT condition. A warning condition
occurs when the current draw of the amplifier
exceeds nominal by +/- 20%. Fault conditions
occur when the current draw exceeds +/- 30% or
the amplifiers operating temperature exceeds 80°
The LED indicators for the power amplifiers are
located on the assembly next to the RF input con-
nector and are dual color LEDs. Green represents
NORMAL operation while red indicates a FAULT