User Manual

Bird Technologies Manual 7-9558-2.3 05/14/15 Page 14
sion and a 30 filter version. After DSP filtering the
analog signal is recreated and up converted with
an up-converter board to the original frequency
before being output from the channel module at the
downlink and uplink output ports.
Up converter boards are available in two different
styles including low level and high level. If the sig-
nal booster is a high-power model then a low level
up converter board is used in the channel module.
If the booster is a low power model then high level
up converter boards are used. Signal booster mod-
els that have the fiber-optic option installed in them
have enhanced down-converter boards that are
capable of dealing with the low level signals from
the optical conversion.
Location Label
to take
Bottom of channel module DL/UL PWR Green solid FPGA successfully loaded None
Bottom of channel module DL/UL PWR Off Issue with board Return to factory
Bottom of channel module DL/UL COM Red flashes
Exchanging data with con-
trol board
Bottom of channel module DL/UL COM Red solid
Exchanging data with con-
trol board
Bottom of channel module DL/UL COM Off No data exchanging None
Bottom of channel module DL/UL COM
Always Off and it
is expected to
No data exchanging
Check cabling; return con-
trol board to factory
Bottom of channel module DL/UL DAC Red solid DAC overflow Lower output power setting
Bottom of channel module DL/UL DAC Off DAC normal operation None
Bottom of channel module DL/UL ADC Red solid ADC overflow
Increase down converter
Bottom of channel module DL/UL ADC Off ADC normal operation None
Control board Ctrl LED Off
no power, no bootloader,
no program
Return to factory
Control board Ctrl LED Orange
bootloader installed, no
return to factory or perform
field update
Control board Ctrl LED Red
Control board detected a
Address fault condition.
Contact factory
Control board Ctrl LED Green solid
Control board normal oper-
Power Amplifier PWR Green solid
6 VDC supply to Amplifier
is OK
Power Amplifier PWR Off No supply voltage
check power supply and
Power Amplifier PA OFF Off
Power Amp normal opera-
Power Amplifier PA OFF Red solid Over current, over temp
Amp shut down, contact
Table 3: Subassembly LED descriptions.