User Manual

Bird Technologies Manual 7-9558-2.3 05/14/15 Page 19
you have interactive access to the Filter Detail
page you can begin programming the individual fil-
ters that you want the booster to pass in the uplink
and downlink directions.
The Filter Detail page is designed to interact with
one filter at a time. To program individual filters you
must select the branch and the filter of interest
using the Link and Filter boxes on the left side of
the screen. Once the filter has been selected for
interaction a label can be assigned to the filter by
typing into the name box. Three groups of charac-
teristics need to be defined including frequency
band, OLC, and filter. Frequency band is selected
from a drop down list. Center Frequency and
Desired Output Power must be entered by the user
by clicking in the box and typing in the desired
value. Likewise OLC style is determined with a
drop down box. The two choices are Custom and
APCO 25 Phase 2. OLC Hold time and OLC Decay
time must be entered by the user.
Filter specifics are selected from a drop down list
that includes Custom, 12.5 KHz, 25 KHz, 12.5 KHz
Low Delay, and XML File. Four parameters are
customer adjustable including Occupied Band-
width, Adjacent Channel Offset, Passband Ripple,
and Adjacent Channel Rejection. Delay time is cal-
culated by the software. The four adjustable
parameters are setup using the Design tool, see
the following section of this manual for details.
If a filter passband is selected that
exceeds the Class A limit of 75 KHZ
and Class B operation is not selected
(see discussion in System Page sec-
tion of this manual) then a warning
message will appear as shown in Fig-
ure 13 You MUST set the booster to
the Class B mode of operation if you
have any filter with a passband
greater than 75 KHz.
Design Button
When the Design Filter button is pressed a custom
design template will be displayed as shown in Fig-
ure 14. Boxes for the four required filter parameters
mentioned earlier are shown along with a graphical
representation of the filter’s response curve. Enter
into the four boxes the parameters you want. Click
Figure 12: Filter Detail page.
Figure 13: Invalid filter settings warning message.