
PCTool Software
The BPM-E PCTool software is used to monitor the measurement outputs from the
BPM-E and to set and change alarm configurations. This software is a stand-alone
application that must be installed onto your PC. To use the tool, launch it from the
computer’s operating system menus or from a shortcut on your desktop.
Note: Your PC must have the Java runtime environment (java vir-
tual machine) installed to run the PCTool software. For Windows
operating systems, this is typically installed by default. If you do not
have the runtime environment, you can download it from the web site (look for Java Software for Desktop).
The PCTool screen (Figure 23, page 36) is divided into three parts, the Menu bar
at the top, the information area in the center, and the status bar at the bottom.
The BPM-E identification and the COM port being used appear in the space
immediately below the Menu bar. The status bar displays various information
about the software and uses three alert colors, red - a fatal error (cannot estab-
lish connection, connection lost), yellow - a warning (cannot complete a user
request), gray - normal operation. The Menu bar has the following four entries:
File - Contains the command to exit the software
Connection - Contains two options, New (select a COM port), and Close (dis-
connect the BPM-E from the PC)
View - Contains two options, Main (open the Main screen) and Config (open
the Config and Alarm screen)
Help - Provides information about the software version and opens the on-line
help screens.
Figure 23 PCTool Screen, Main Screen